Fruhauf uniforms represent a major purchase, and we want to help you maximize the life of your investment. We’ve prepared uniform care instructions for band directors, band parents, uniform managers and anyone else who will be responsible for the preservation of Fruhauf uniforms. Please take time to read them completely so you may understand the level of care required. Failure to properly clean and care for your new uniforms them may diminish their service to your organization.
Part 1 deals with the responsibilities of those providing uniform care, along with helpful suggestions regarding alterations, storage, transportation and the proper way to wear a Fruhauf uniform.
Part 2 offers proper cleaning methodology. The technical information pertaining to dry cleaning was gleaned from “Adco’s General Dry Cleaning Guide,” published by Adco Research Department in Sedalia, Missouri. We are grateful to them for allowing us to include excerpts in our instructions.
Please present your dry cleaner with a copy of these guidelines, and have them sign and return the last page to you. The last page indicates that they have read, understand and will abide by these guidelines. An unsigned form may jeopardize any warranty expressed or implied by Fruhauf Uniforms Incorporated or its representatives.
Apply Now
Fruhauf careers include uniform design, garment making, regional sales and machine operators. We provide on-the-job training in addition to excellent benefits. To apply, tell us about yourself and how you envision using your talents. Upload or email your resume to
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To receive a free catalog of Fruhauf products, please fill out the form below. You can also make a request by phone, fax or email.
Fruhauf Uniforms, Inc
800 East Gilbert
Wichita, Kansas 67211
Phone: 316.263.7500
Toll Free: 800.858.8050
Fax: 316.263.5550
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